Cancellation/Refund Policy

Cancellation / Refund Policy

Cancellation Policy / Refund Policy

Cancellation requests for any NADDI Conference Registration must be received in writing by emailing .

Cancellations more than 30 days before the event will be charged a cancellation fee of $100.00 (or full registration amount, whichever is less) will be deducted from the refund. All refunds will be made by check and will be sent to the original payer on file.

Cancellation requests less than 30 days before the event will not be eligible for a refund.

Registrants wishing to cancel may instead transfer their registration to someone else without penalty if they send a written request, no later than 24 hours prior to the conference, with the replacement person’s name, email address, and contact phone number.

Credit vouchers may be offered in the event of a medical emergency, or should program be suspended or shortened due to conditions or circumstances beyond NADDI’s control, including but not limited to any cancellations/modifications related to national disasters.

All cancellations will be reviewed by the NADDI Board of Directors or its Designee, who in turn will recommend the appropriate refund and/or action.

The policy as stated on this page is valid from December 2021.